Color has the power to evoke emotions. It creates a visual experience that transcends language.

Our lives are made richer and more vibrant by the presence of colour, lending its artistic magic to every corner of our existence, from the clothes we wear to the environments we inhabit.

Before synthetic paints were invented in the 1800s, all pigments had natural sources, derived from animals, plants and minerals.

Homemade charcoal made with willow and hazel

Much of the synthetic paint and inks used today have harmful ecological impacts due to the toxic by-products they produce.

This work explores the creation of locally sourced colors and their potential in making art.

I have discovered that it is a slow and mindful process.

The work begins long before the first mark is made.

Collecting materials from the natural world not only serves as a physical connection to the Earth but also taps into a deeper sense of interconnectedness. Each plant I gather carries its own history and energy. As I work, a magical transformation takes place with the material revealing it’s inherent colour qualities and potential.

Boil a book - plant pigment on paper